yoga for the festive bloat
There is no time in the year more indulgent than Christmas when mulled wine, rich foods and festive treats make their way into our everyday diet. And I love it. I love mulled wine, I love rich foods, and I absolutely love treats.
What I don’t love is feeling like I’m rolling around like the box of truffles I ate for a month afterwards. A month of festive eating, drinking and sweets around every corner takes our digestive systems on a serious ride. It has to cope with changes to the gut microbiome brought on by these indulgences and the sheer amount of food we consume, which can in turn impact how well it functions.
That’s why it’s so important to make time to take care of your gut over the festive period. Work pre and probiotics into your diet, and ingredients and foods that encourage good bacteria to flourish like apple cider vinegar, kefir and other fermented foods.
Yoga can also be great way to aid digestion, providing natural relief through movement. A gentle practice can increase circulation, reduce stress, and aid in the movement of the gastrointestinal tract. These are my top 4 poses for keeping the gut active over the holidays and beyond. Bonus is you don’t need fancy clothes, a mat or any props for these - they are available to everyone, no experience or kit required!
Cat-Cow lengthens the intestines and encourages blood to flow to the cells responsible for the gut, the epithelial’s.
Come into a box position, hands under your shoulders and hips over your knees. On your inhale, dip your belly towards the earth as you open through your chest and heart space, crown of the head reaching towards the ceiling. On your exhale, push the ground away from you as you round through the spine, tucking the tailbone in and under.
Breathe deeply through the nose as you come through this pose, and repeat 10 times.
This is the perfect pose post-Christmas lunch to relieve cramps after eating such a large meal.
From your hands and knees, keep the hips stacked over the knees as you walk your hands forward, melting your chest towards the mat. Rest your forehead on the mat and stay here for 5 breaths.
Not only does this pose relieve back pain, it massages the large intestine and can promote bowel movements.
Lie on your back with your legs straight. Draw your knees into your chest, gently pulling them closer with your arms. Hold for 5 breaths.
Twists help to ‘wring’ out the intestines and eliminate toxins, and can also relieve constipation and bloating.
Lying on your back, straighten your right leg as you draw your left knee towards your chest before sending it across your body to the right. Take your arms wide, keeping the shoulders connected to the mat. Stay here for 10 breaths and repeat on the other side.